Monday, 10 February 2020


The funeral ceremony holds a very important place in any person’s life as it happens to be the last ceremony of life. Therefore, the first attempt is to make it grand and something to remember for years to come. The same is the case with Christian funerals as in this religion; this ceremony is believed as a traditional way to recognize the ultimate truth of the life. 

In such ceremonies, a very major role is of the funeral homes and availing their services has become very important in the modern-day. The main reason is that they are fully aware of how different kinds of Christian funerals are carried out.

The good thing about Christian funerals is that you get the funeral service in full even when you go for cremation services. In such situations, the funerals home will be responsible for coordinating with the cemetery for making necessary arrangements. 

In such situations, the role of the funeral director is very important and the following pointers will give you an idea of the same.

What does a Funeral Director do?

  • Picking up the deceased
  • Transporting the body to the funeral home
  • Notifying proper authorities, family and/or relatives
  • Arranging and preparing death certificates
  • Providing certified copies of death certificates for insurance and benefit processing
  • Working with the insurance agent, Social Security or Veterans Administration
  • Preparing and submitting obituary to the newspapers of your choice
  • Bathing and embalming the deceased body, if necessary
  • Preparing the body for viewing like dressing and cosmetizing
  • Assisting the family with funeral arrangements
  • Purchasing the casket, urn, burial vault and cemetery plot
  • Scheduling the opening and closing of the grave with cemetery personnel
  • Coordinating with clergy if a funeral or memorial service is to be held
  • Arranging a police escort and transportation to the funeral and/or cemetery for the family
  • Providing Aftercare, or grief assistance, to the bereaved


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