Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Elements of Religious and Non-Religious Funerals

When talking about funerals, there are different kinds of services offered by funeral homes. They belong to several religions and then, there are services related to non-religious funerals as well. As far as non-religious funerals are concerned, people generally have no or very less idea about the steps or the process. Therefore, we have come up with a post, where we will discuss the processes of the funerals related to different religions and then, the process of non-religious funerals too.


Christian Funerals

  • According to the experts of pre-paid funerals, the last ceremony of the people following this religion vary a lot, but it mainly focuses on the concept of eternal life through the acceptance of Jesus Christ.
  • The body is laid in the casket and then, it is placed in front of the church at the time of funeral.
  • This funeral ceremony is generally officiated by a member of the clergy and it would be his responsibility to lead attendees to the program of prayers, hymns and other scripture readings.
  • Catholic funerals may also incorporate the Eucharist, Mass or Holy Communion.

Buddhist funerals

  • As far as Buddhism religion is concerned, it is said that they believe in the concept of samsara and this means that a person will take birth several times before reaching a position where he will be adopted by the eternity of the God.
  • In this religion, both burials and cremations are accepted and at the time of cremation, either monks or family members will take part in spiritual chanting.
  • Cremated remains will either be kept by a family member or enshrined in a columbarium.

Humanist Funerals

  • This type of also given the name of non-religious funerals and it is chosen, when the deceased did not practice a particular religion or in other words, he/she was an atheist.
  • In this type, there is no format and specific instructions related to arrangements are there and thus, it comes to the choice of the deceased or his/her family members.
  • The focus of a humanist funeral is generally on the life of the deceased ad the family members look to celebrate the life lived by the deceased.

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