Friday, 14 December 2018

A Checklist to Follow Related To Pre Paid Funerals

As far as pre paid funerals are concerned, experts say that this arrangement requires lots and lots of planning and several steps are to be taken. Therefore, we have come up with a post that discusses the most common inclusions and how these things will influence the overall event.

Here Is A Small Checklist To Follow In Terms Of Pre-Paid Funerals Services – 

Taking Care of Finances and Property

• Create a contact list of everyone who should be notified during the death, including the name of your funeral home.
• Give your executor(s) a copy of your will and the contact list.
• Give your executor(s) a list of bank and investment accounts, creditors, mortgage or lien information, insurance policies, retirement plans, safe deposit boxes, real and personal properties of value, and all related telephone numbers.
• If you are receiving benefits from Social Security or the Veterans' Administration, your executor needs that information to suspend benefit payments.
• According to the experts, you need to select someone whom you trust for dealing with your online accounts: email, online memberships, and social media.
• Other than this, you need to include all relevant information and whether or not they should delete, close, or keep any of the accounts.

Taking Care of Funeral-Related Details

• Make note of all the details you wanted, mentioned in your obituary.
• To get even better results, you can even take this one step further and write your own obituary.
• Here, you can pen down all your preferences you have regarding whether to go with cremations or burials.
• In case, burial is what you have chosen, it’s better to provide the details of the cemetery arrangements.
• If you have chosen burial, what type of casket would you like? Should it be made of wood, metal, or composite materials?
• If you choose cremation, what do you want done with the ashes? 


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